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Hi, I'm Eb Jo!

Regarding Me

Eb Jo sitting in an office wearing business attire.

For years, I carried the weight of being raped in my teenage years. The memories were like thorns in my heart, piercing deeper each day. I felt alone, trapped in a cycle of pain and despair.


The person who inflicted this attack upon me not only took away my sense of safety but also manipulated my perception of truth and worth. I was silenced by fear, convinced that no one would believe my story. So, I kept it locked away, suffocating beneath my silence. 


I struggled to function, battling with thoughts of worthlessness and hopelessness. Suicide seemed like the only escape from the perpetrator and the torment of my own mind. After two failed suicide attempts, my life seemed doomed for misery and despair.


As the years went by, the pain continued to grow. It consumed me, robbing me of both peace and joy. But amidst the darkness, a flicker of hope emerged. With the guided support of professionals, I embarked on a journey towards healing. It was not easy. I had to confront my demons head-on, navigating through the depths of depression and PTSD.


Yet, through perseverance and divine intervention, I found solace. I discovered that healing is possible, even in the darkest of times. With each step forward, I reclaimed pieces of myself that had been lost. I learned to forgive both myself and those who had hurt me. And in doing so, I found freedom.


Though the scars of my past will always remain, they no longer define me. I am a survivor, empowered by my journey towards healing. Prayerfully, my healing can offer hope to someone else.

Eb Jo

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Our Ministry​


At Eb Jo Ministries, we are dedicated to sharing the teachings of Jesus Christ and expressing His boundless love in straightforward ways. Our goal is to kindle or rekindle the flame of the Holy Spirit in individuals who have experienced despair and disappointment, promoting spiritual renewal. Our mission goal spans across the globe as we strive to bring God's profound love to those in need.

Join My Journey

I believe transparency, not hiding or concealing ourselves, is the key to developing relationships and being who we were meant to be. My desire is to reach those who are suffering through encouragement and hope. We need each other, whether in person or through positive social media. I aim to be one piece in the giant body of believers in Christ that offers support and motivation. Every Thursday, I'll spread the Gospel of Jesus Christ and how He is helping me in my own journey to freedom in the Good News Blog/Vlog on this site.

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Our Value: Love

Love the Lord your God with all your heart and with all your soul and with all your mind and with all your strength. Mark 12:30

© 2024

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