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  • Writer's pictureEbonie Johnson

The Anger Never Goes Away!

Have you ever found yourself so consumed by anger that vivid images of confrontation flooded your mind? Perhaps a swift uppercut so hard the person flew into outer space before reentering Earth’s atmosphere? The thought may have provided a momentary release of frustration that seemed satisfying. Yet, beneath that surge of emotion lies a deeper truth: the potential for anger to transform into something darker, something corrosive to the soul.

I've walked that dangerous line myself, a Christ-follower bound by the commandment to love. Meanwhile, allowing my anger to turn into hate. Ephesians 4:26-27 NLT warns, And don't sin by letting anger control you. Don't let the sun go down while you are still angry, for anger gives a foothold to the devil.”

There was a time when someone I'll refer to as The Irritant provoked intense feelings of rage within me. Initially, I attempted to brush off their behavior, urged by others to extend grace and assume good intentions. Yet, the pattern of poor behavior persisted with The Irritant. Each encounter with them built upon the last until I reached a breaking point.

My breaking point came when I realized that behind The Irritant's facade of innocence lay a master manipulator skilled at twisting narratives to suit their agenda. Their subtle deceptions poisoned the perceptions of mutual friends, leaving me isolated in my frustration, which led to bitter resentment. Left unchecked, my anger grew into a consuming force, overshadowing my days and poisoning my nights. It eventually transformed into hatred, casting a shadow over every aspect of my life.

Reflecting on Ephesians 4:26-27, I came to understand the dangers of allowing anger to take root and granting the enemy a foothold in my life. It’s like leaving a door cracked open just enough that it still appears closed. The enemy is too clever to kick the door in with a loud bang and rush in. No, he will nudge the door slowly until he has full access. Then, his influence seeps in gradually until our lives are engulfed in darkness.

But amidst the turmoil, there remains a path to redemption. It begins with acknowledging anger's hold over us and seeking divine guidance to release its grip. It's a journey filled with resistance as the enemy seeks to maintain his dark hold on our hearts.

Yet, with each step toward God, we weaken his grasp until, at last, we stand free from the chains of anger, bitterness, resentment, and hatred. Therefore, I pray if anger festers within you, do not let today's sun go down without releasing its hold. For in letting go, we find not only peace for ourselves but also the strength to resist the enemy's wiles.

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