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  • Writer's pictureEbonie Johnson

Self Sabotage

“If you don’t like my attitude, don’t call me anymore.” Slight pause. “Oh yeah! Well, I never liked you anyway!” Amayah aggressively ends the call. “The nerve of some people, ugh. I could pull my hair out, better yet, her hair out.”

Is this the kind of talk we think of when we read Proverbs 18:21 NLT, “The tongue can bring death or life; those who love to talk will reap the consequences.” If so, let’s consider this.

“Hi, I just got home.” Amayah turned up the volume and placed her friend on speaker. “What’s up?”

“I’m really going through a tough time right now. I could really use a friend.”

Amayah extended an invitation. “Would you like to meet at the little cafe? You’ll have my full attention because I truly care about your well-being.”

Gratitude poured through the phone. “Thank you so much! What would I do without a friend like you, Amayah?”

“You have my unwavering support. I can be there in about 30 minutes.”

“Perfect, see you soon. Again, thanks. I really appreciate you taking the time to meet me. I know you and Mario usually meet in the afternoons.”

“Nothing is more important than a friend in need. See you in 30.”

Four hours later, Amayah heard pounding on her front door. She and Mario were snuggled on the couch, watching an action-packed movie. Amayah tossed off the blanket. “I’ll be right back. Let me get rid of whoever is at the door.”

She slung the door open to see her teary-eyed friend with fist up, ready to pound again.

“Where were you, Amayah? I waited forever for you!”

“Oh my goodness! Mario called right after you. I, um, it’s just. Uh, I thought you’d understand since you knew we normally meet in the afternoon.”

“Some friend you are. I wish I had never called you.” 

Harsh words are never beneficial in our lives. However, consider the weight of unfulfilled promises and insincere compliments in relationships. These subtle betrayals cut deep, creating the illusion of care before unsuspected abandonment. Choose words carefully because, in matters of the tongue, the consequences of neglecting sincerity could be costly.

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